Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jenna Stocker

Thank You !

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jenna Stocker

All while filling their pockets and robbing of us citizens…

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"....they have to manufacture their own crisis out of a nonexistent threat to convince the American people they are the only ones standing between chaos and order. But it is all a lie."

The people who want statist totalitarianism have been doing that since 1651, when Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan claimed that we need autocratic rulers to protect us from "chaos". But freedom is not chaos. And it is the totalitarians that we need protection from.

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Fear salesmen, and doom sayers.

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Michael savage has spoken the Truth for Decades, we didn't listen then, Will we listen Now???


the Coup Feral Gov in DC is ILLEGITIMATE.

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But half the people in the country seem to be buying what the “progressives” are selling. Is there anything we can say or any amount of evidence we can present that will change their minds? I’m not optimistic.

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