Love your writing. The conclusion summed it all: Real power lies in the individuals, so take back control of your life and create your own sense of normalcy.

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Thank you so much for the kind words and comment. I appreciate your readership. Please feel free to comment or reach out on topics or thoughts anytime.

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Yeah. Our church has been pretty good through it all for the most part, but I give myself credit for complaining about the use of the phrase "new normal" in a statement from the elders in summer of 2020. It was already obvious to me then that this was the language of manipulation. And, I said, this isn't new for the Church. The Church has weathered much, much worse than COVID-19. We don't have to freak out like some never before seen danger has fallen upon us.

Safetyism is just the new securityism though. I remember reading stories about people flying in the 1960s who, almost missing their connection, would just race from one plane to another on the tarmac. No more. Now you must first navigate through a security dystopia, to which we have now added a health dystopia, to do anything in an airport. The idea of just walking up to your airplane (unless you're flying privately) is also now just a phantom memory.

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I'm glad you made a point to reject the herd mentality for the integrity of your church, and the Church. Especially in a time of fear and doubt, people need a refuge of strength, moral fortitude, and forthrightness that the Church should lean into, not run away from (this ceding to social pressure is part of why I think there has been such erosion in religious followers generally, but that's another post!).

I agree with you wholeheartedly about safetyism. Most people have either lose all concept and perspective when evaluating risk or decided it best to hand the responsibility over to government.

Thank you so much for the feedback and conversation!!

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